You've been hearing me talk a lot about niche blogging and how the riches are truly in the niches!
Now I decided to start the course - How to Start a Niche Blog Masterminds!
What will you learn in this course?
We will first look into validating your Niche Blog idea! The beginning steps of actually starting a blog, and comparing different hosts available! We will look at the basic plugins you will need!
Then, we will move on to planning your blog content and validating your blog ideas!
Then, actually writing your first few blog posts!
Of course, we will look at SEO for your niche blog, and as a BONUS -
An overivew of Pinterest and Niche Blogging!
Dates are as follows:
- Thursday, Feb 22nd
Monday Feb 26th
Thursday Feb 29th
March 4th
and March 7th all are at 10am est!
You can use coupon code nicheBlogs65 between Jan 1-st through Jan 5th!
The masterminds will be held live on zoom.
This training will be held on Feb 22nd, Feb 26th, Feb 29th, March 4th and March 7th at 10am est.
These will be a 1 hour live mastermind!
Why do you want to learn from me?
You will learn how to validate your blog idea, how to start your blog, SEO for your blog and Pinterest for your blog!
There will be recordings available.
(This will not be part of PBA or MBA, as we have covered similiar topics numerous times in the memberships).