Do you have an Etsy store, maybe a Shopify store, or is it on your website?
What do you sell? Is it a handmade item? Maybe you started a digital planner store, or a printables store? Printables sell like hot cakes on Etsy! Just do a quick search for printables on either Etsy, or pinterest, and you can see what I am talking about!

How do you decide what to put in your store? Do you just make it on a whim, or do you do any kind of research, maybe even looking it up on google trends, google even, maybe with the alphabet soup method? Are you familiar with this method? What you do is, if you are searching for say planners, you can extend it and say planners a, planners b, what this is does is help to generate some keywords for google, then you can take that topic, go to google trends at
There are some very easy ways that you may not be aware of. The first is creative fabrica. I love creative fabrica! They have so many different items available for you to download! You get unlimited downloads! There are some really great stores on Creative Fabrica! You can choose from fonts, graphics, patterns for embroidery, coloring books, and even items like this one to help fill your Etsy store!

How did I learn how to make all of these planners and printables? I came across a lovely couple by the name of Suzi and John Whitford! If you haven’t heard of them, you should! I started my blog at while watching her blogging course two years ago! She has a wonderful blogging course that you can check out here! She even offers a free blogging intro course to!
Just the other day, a wonderful follower of mine sent me such a sweet email, thanking me for my newsletter! I was so blown away! She tells me that she was delighted in finding my newsletter in her email. As she begins reading my newsletter, which does promote other printables sellers, she comes across my glowing review of Suzi’s courses. Suzi is my first ever person that I promoted in a very early Youtube video that did shortly after launching my blog. She enrolled in the printables course, and the blogging course, and an ebook that she has! She said thank you so much for the heart felt review that I did for Suzi and John. Suzi is the, and totally has your secret sauce! You can either make your own printables, or find printables that allow you to rebrand and resell. These are called PLR (private label rights). I made all of the PLR printables that you can see here!
The other way that I learn to continuously make new items is in the masterminds that I am in!
I love this one so much that I will skip work to join in! This is Becky Beach’s printable seller’s bootcamp. You even get to meet with Becky once a week, and have unlimited access to her in her facebook group and by email. Becky doesn’t hold back and gives you her Secret Sauce each week!

My friend, Becky Beach, is a 6 figure blogger and business owner has launched two new memberships.
You can sign up for the PLR Medic Pack, which gives you 1 PLR print planner, 1 PLR digital planner, digital stickers, private Facebook group, and 1 live training (with recording) a month!
If you want to grow your business with coaching, Becky has you covered. You can sign up for the Printable Seller’s Bootcamp to whip your sales and marketing muscles into shape. This membership gives you everything in the PLR Medic Pack, and also, weekly group coaching calls.
The calls are at 11 am CST on Wednesday. Both memberships also have bonus goodies each month! Sign up to start growing your business in Q4! You can sign up and find out more info here!
Dvorah Lansky is one of my ultimate favorite authors that always shares her secrets in making planners each month! You get a companion PLR pack, with editable Powerpoint source files, and she shows you step by step how to make each one! You can check out her masterminds here!
The last tip I have today is to use bundles! The one I am talking about is a huge bundle, full of other creators that came together to provide you the biggest bang for your buck in content. Check it out here!
I do hope that all of these tips help you to fill up your Etsy shop, your Shopify store or your store on your website!! Find out how to list items in your Shopify store here!

#Etsy #shopify #beckybeach #dvorahlansky #plr