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I keep getting asked the story behind the name of The Unpopular Mom! So, since sharing is caring, and ya’ll know I love to share, here we go.  Let’s go way back to before than pandamic actually started.  About June the year before.  I had started talking about wanting to start a youtube channel.  And talking, and more talking.  I had three favorite youtubers I would listen to during my lunch hour. 

I was working in a very busy, very stressed insurance office.  Just typing that out, I chuckle at how I am that sooooo does not describe the office I was in.  No wonder I needed a creative outlet! Woah, that place was just something else.  People showed up to work when and if, more than not, it was truly if they wanted to work.  We had about 5-6 employees working there, and a lot of times, it was just me showing up, day in, day out, answering phones, walk-ins, wrting new policies, taking care of current clients. 

And the clients absolutely loved me. Nope, Marcy is my agent, I only talk to Marcy.  Which is fine, but when it’s a majority of them – I digress, because I could truly write a book on the happenings in that office!

I would need a lunchtime outlet, so I would eat lunch in my car, and find whatever Youtuber I was wanting to listen to that day Sarah Rae Vargas was one of the most inspiring, along with Katherine Michelle, Jen Chopin, Grant Cardone, and Catherine Manning, you might remember her as the Content Bug, until she redid her brand, and then I happened on Suzi Start a Mom Blog. OMG I fell in love with Suzi and her channel.  I listened to every video she had.  We had just moved into this house we are in now, and it’s the first house, as an adult that was in a walking neighborhood.   Every morning, crack of dawn, I was up, sneakers laced, going to walk before work, and usually listening to Suzi, Grant Cardone or Peter Mckinnon.  Then, I read that I needed to have a blog so I could promote my Youtube channel, and create lead magnets.  Whoa one of my old bosses would say that is word “vomit” all of ya’ll.

Thanks buddy for that visual!

I had been scrolling on facebook, and you know the whole facebook marketing, and showing you what you wind up searching, etc, well this time, thank goodness it did! It let me to Suzi’s free blogging course! Okay, and being so very honest, yes, that is an affiliate link to a free course! But, it’s how I got started, and I am here to share my knowledge! On with the story! 

I took the plunge, and bought the full blogging course from Suzi- Blog by Number. Why Blog by Number? They say that you buy from who you know, like and trust, right? This is so very, very true! I felt like with all that she shared on YouTube, and her free blogging course, she would be one I could trust to spend my hard earned money on!


 Pic from one of my much earlier videos and blog post, thought you might want to see an early pic, because I really have no pics of my just blogging, lol. 



Every morning, I would get up about 5am, play Suzi’s courses on one monitor, as I followed along on the other!

One of her courses was about naming your blog. I had no clue what to name my blog.  None.  At all. I mulled over this, went through a mirage of ideas. She even had a long list of names that might work, could work.  She then started talking about write what you kncow. 

Okay.  For a long time, I have had no filter.  I speak my mind, it’s usually out my mouth way before I ever even think about it.  So, this usually, in real life, makes me very unpopular.  I’m like well, I know about being unpopular, lol.  But I took that thought a step further.  Kids everywhere have such a struggle with being unpopular and being bullied.  This leads to so much tragedy.  So very much! I want to help kids and parents bond to help prevent bullying from going to far.  Back last year, while in Faith’s Q4 course( at the end of the year, I had created the kickstart to journaling kits, with her help! I was in her coaching session then.  Kickstart To Journaling Kits – The UnPopular Mom.

Long and short version of the how and the why behind my story!

I will add more later and email this to you all!!