We can look to successful people for clues on how they have managed to rise to the top. They have developed many habits, from proper eating to self-care. Does this sound like you? Or, do you hit success one or twice, then go right back to eating the whole box of donuts, not going to the gym, and not journaling at night? They say it takes 21 days to make a habit, even a micro habit! What exactly is a micro habit? Keep reading to find out, and to see how you can also become a successful person, just by changing a few things on a daily basis!

They have developed many habits, from proper eating to self-care, to going to the gym at 5am!
Let’s look at ten examples of daily habits you can use in your life. The body needs proper sleep to function and it should be around 7 to 8 hours a night. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos believes that it best not to set an alarm clock but to wake up naturally. This can be accomplished by telling yourself what time you want to wake up in the morning and constantly getting up at the same time.
- The body needs proper sleep to function and it should be around 7 to 8 hours a night. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos believes that it best not to set an alarm clock but to wake up naturally., while my boss may argue this point, this can be accomplished by telling yourself what time you want to wake up in the morning and constantly getting up at the same time.
2. Sidney Crosby is considered to be one of the top hockey players in the world. He attributes his ability to do repetitive drills consistently as one of the reasons for his success. He has gotten to the point where he can do amazing things with a puck without even thinking about it because he has drilled it so much. When you have a new habit you want to install, you can succeed by doing the habit repeatedly day in and day out until it is entirely natural.
3. Reading and learning new skills go together. My husband is usually the person that is responsible for teaching his coworkers new programs and procedures at his office. When it comes time for him to introduce something new, he pulls out the manual, reads it front to back once, then will go through it again, reading and taking the steps that the manual outlines, no matter what it is. This gives him a much better comprehensive level to be able to teach, and to see if real world is the same as what the book says. Most of the time, it’s not! When you build a reading habit around self-development and ensure you read that topic every day, you will have greater success. Major investor Warren Buffett credits his consistent habit of reading financial newspapers daily with much of his success.

4. Apple founder Steve Jobs used morning reflection to build his computer company into a powerhouse. He started by asking himself a straightforward question that you can use, “if today was my last day on earth, would I want to be doing what I am doing today?” Steve Jobs found that if he answered negatively for a few days in a row, that meant he needed to change something. Make morning reflection a habit to start your day with.
5. Self-care is a habit we all need. When we take care of ourselves, we can put our best foot forward and take care of our families. Tesla founder Elon Musk insists on showering upon waking up. He says that he just doesn’t feel right if he showers later in the day. Showering first thing allows you to clear brain fog. It is also a time to practice gratitude sayings since you are getting ready to excel in your world.
6. Oprah Winfrey is another very successful person who does not use an alarm clock because they jar her awake. She is a big believer in the habit of morning mediation as well. This is part of her daily routine. When you do morning meditation, you begin your workday focused and with clarity.

7. Walmart is everywhere, at least it seems that way. Sam Walton started the Walmart stores, and he had a success habit that served him well. Sam was known to carry a recorder with him to keep a record of everything he observed in a day. He understood that trying to rely on his memory alone would not work. In this daily habit, you could use a notebook or a micro recorder. This habit is great for everyone but is a stand out for entrepreneurs and creative people. You will see many things throughout the day that you could put into your creative work.
8. Richard Branson is a famous entrepreneur, and his main company is called Virgin. Richard believes in the daily habit of gratitude for all that he has. When you wake up in the morning, you can start by being grateful for a new day, a unique opportunity to shine. Be grateful for even the smallest things in your life.

9. Benjamin Franklin was notorious for making lists. He made lists of things to do in the day to help other people and lists of values he should adopt to avoid bad habits. Lists can be great for many things. One good habit is to make a short to-do list before you go to bed, simply stating what your top 3 priorities will be upon waking up.
10. Tony Robbins has been motivating people for many years. He has a very specific habit of starting his day. Each tiny habit is connected, and you will see major success if you follow this habit: