by | Aug 29, 2022 | Bullet Journal, free plr journal
You might be wondering why in the world is journaling in the fall any different than any other time of year. Fall is the time of year when you get back to your normal routine. You probably had time off during the summer, had to adjust your daily routine with kids out...
by | Aug 23, 2022 | Uncategorized
Take a peek into my office – as I create! This morning it’s only as I work on my newsletter, however, I’ll be opening up even more during my Take a Peek Into “series”???? Perhaps? I am listening to the Creative Ways to make Creative...
by | Aug 6, 2022 | Blogging
I keep getting asked the story behind the name of The Unpopular Mom! So, since sharing is caring, and ya’ll know I love to share, here we go. Let’s go way back to before than pandamic actually started. About June the year before. I had started...