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Goals, baby, Goals! Let’s kick 2020 in it’s Ass and do 2021 the right way! I will focus on setting goals for my YouTube channel, in this post. However, you can use the same principles with any goals.

I usually don’t do normal new years’ resolutions, mainly because, I don’t don’t do anything normal, lol. But really, why do new year’s resolutions? Go to the gym, lose thirty pounds, exercise every day, eat healthy, don’t eat Reeses for breakfast, who me? You get the idea, the normal resolutions most people do each year. Gym parking lots, pre Covid, are usually slap full. For the first two weeks of the new year. You literally cannot park within a half mile of the gym. Like black friday sales at Walmart. We went one time. The line was wrapped around the store for buggies, buggies, carts, whatever you call them. I call them buggies, bc I’m from the South, and that’s how we do it, lol!

But, I digress, let’s focus, Pop Mom! If you haven’t seen or heard why I call myself that, lol, and you may have unless you are new here. One of my YouTube followers called me that, after I hit 500 subscribers.

I just think it’s crazy to do that much work for little results every year. That’s the literal definition of insane. To keep doing the same things and expect different results, right? So, let’s make pact (is that even a word) not to do that this year. Bye-bye the year of covid, and hello 2021! Tomorrow! Yes! If it weren’t for covid, I would possibly be going to a party tonight. I say possibly, because my husband hates going out on New Year’s eve. To many amateur drunks on the road. If you drink, don’t drive, and call triple AAA. They will take you and your car home on holidays, for free, even if your not a member, little known fact.

Getting back to the topic at hand. Okay, PopMom, exactly how do we set goals that we can achieve? Either grab a pen and pencil, or download any of the freebie planners from my printables hub, for free. Let’s get started! What do you want to see happen in 2021? First write down the big overall goal. My top one is to, let’s say monetize my YouTube channel. Nice one. But, we can’t just leave it at that. Let’s make it specific, and measurable. By when, and what does that take? The big picture goal first needs to have a date, to hold yourself accountable. Let’s change that goal to get 1000 subscribers by March 1st. Then, one of the rules of a goal, is that accomplishable? Let’s break it down. I am at 683 subscribers, and about 750 watch time hours. I started March 1st, 2021. Well, I was, but I am revamping my channel, more on that later. I’m at 738 watch time hours.

So to hit my goal, I need 317 subscribers, and YouTube requires not only that, but also 4000 watch time hours, yes, you read that right. 4000 watch time hours. That leaves another 3232 watch time hours. Ya’ll that is 193,920 watch time minutes. How can we realistically set that goal? Let’s do the straight math. There are 24 hours in a day, that’s 1440 minutes in a week, and that times 4 is 42,820 minutes in a month. Now let’s see, 193,920 divided by 42,820 is is 4.53 months, if I am correct. Luckily, for us YouTubers, it’s not just about how much time we each have in a day, week, or month. Because, it’s watch time hours. So, while it’s’ a huge goal, it’s completely attainable. Just to be on the safe side, because I also blog, and I have a new website I am starting, I’m going to extend that goal to march 31st, just to see how we are doing, and I will do a check jan 30, to see where I am, and to hold myself accountable to everyone.

So, we know exactly where we are, to date. We have a goal that is specific, measurable, somewhat attainable, and is it realistic. Technically, yes, it’s a realistic goal, so there we have it. This, in a nutshell is how to set goals that you can accomplish. Next post we will dive into an exact game plan, exactly how do I plan on obtaining another 317 subscribers and 3232 watch time hours? We shall see! Of course, you might know that I do have some helpful printables in my printables hub! Sign up below!