Why do we get into a mindful state to write? How do you get into mindful state to write. I was literally thinking about this topic when I woke up. I know, somone’s going to say bullshit, someone’s going to say now PopMom, what the heck are you talking about? I guess because I have now made it a habit, and was trying to figure out how to get it down in words so I can also teach you how and why to write while in a mindful state. The first question you might have is what is a mindful state.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a state of self-awareness, where we are living and appreciating and acknowledging this very moment, and no other.
It is often compared to meditation, since you do try to focus your mind on one thing or event that is happening. However, with meditation you are trying to clear your mind, but with mindfulness you are still allowing thoughts and emotions to come in, but you accept them without judgment, then move on.
What does this have to do with writing, or any form of it, such as journaling?
Writing, or different forms of writing, such as journaling while in a mindful state is incredibly powerful. It takes the traditional form of journaling what you did that day or writing down your goals, and turns it on its axis. You remain in that mindful state while writing in your journal, using it as a way to document what is in your mind and work through any emotions, fears, or stresses that you currently possess.
How do I get into this mindful state? Meditation is the biggest way. Even if you don’t have time for normal meditation, you can meditate while walking, while in the shower. I know, it sounds funny. When I was starting this blogging journey. I had all these thoughts rolling in. What I did do was I started getting up very early in the morning, about 545, get ready to go walk, even though it was pretty dark by the time I would go outside. We had just moved into our new house in a walking neighborhood! I was completely stoked! Finally, we had moved into a walking neighborhood, complete with sidewalks, little non park areas, that even have gazebos. A place where older women were out walking their dogs with their walkers, and it was at night. I had never seen such a thing. I was like, wait a minute, if they feel safe here, and I know anything can happen, at any point in time, that means that I can feel safe here to! I digress. I would hit the pavement, water bottle in hand, already picked out my go to YouTubers that would motivate me. Peter Mckinnon, Catherine Manning the Content Bug, and Suzi Whitford. I will go into all three on a later blog posts. This is where my wildly flowing creative juices would get even more inspiring. One of the most inspirational videos of those has to be Peter Mckinnon’s The Mountains Won’t Remember Me!
You might be asking why, Peter Mckinnon? I believe he showed up in suggested videos on YouTube. More on suggested videos in upcoming blog posts.
After my walk, I would get in the shower. Someone might be going tmi, it’s a thing, we all do it. I don’t like to stink, what can I say, I’m not Brad Pitt. You can also do it in the shower.
MEDITATE IN THE SHOWER!! Let the warm, or cold, if you wish, water run down your body. Clearing your mind even more so. The creativity starts to flow, just like the water itself. As thoughts that you might want to research later, such as what do I want to write, or blog about pop into your head, tell Siri to take a note. Or, the second you get out of the shower, grab a notebook or sheet of paper, and write like crazy. I did this for a whole entire website, that I had to call and tell my best friend about. I want to go into all of those steps in an upcoming blog posts, so please make sure to check back. That one will probably be my next posts. Stay tuned to see if it is, and you can use your creativity to solve all of the problems in the world. At least your part of it!